Baby Boy Layette Pattern
These vintage crochet patterns are from the book "Knit and Crochet for Boy and Girl Babies. Coats & Clark
Baby Book 500. C. 1950
Materials: Red Heart Pompadour, 9 skeins (3/4 oz skeins) of Maize or J & P. Coats "Knit-Cro-Sheen"* 5 balls
of Yellow.
*Knit-Cro-Sheen is a registered trademark of the Coats & Clark Company
3 yds of yellow ribbon, 1/2" wide
Small Buttons
Plastic Crochet Hook No. 5.
Guage: 6 hdc make 1 inch; 4 rows make 1 inch.
Starting at lower edge make a chain 12" long.
Row 1: Working in a single loop of chain, make hdc in 2nd ch from hook, * hdc in back loop of next ch, hdc in
front loop of next ch. Repeat from * across until there are 57 sts, ending with hdc in front loop. cut off remaining chain.
Ch 2, turn.
Row 2: Hdc in back loop of first hdc, *hdc in lower loop on front of next hdc, hdc in back loop of nex hdc.
Repeat from * across. Ch 2, turn. Repeat 2nd row until piece measures 8 inches.
Ch 38. Attach a second piece of yarn to opposite end of row, ch 37. Break off. Pick up main yarn and work in
pattern across entire row. Ch 2, turn. Continue to work in pattern until piece measures 3 1/2" inches from first sleeve row.
Right Front
Place marker in center st of last row. Work in pattern to within 2 1/4" inches of marker. Ch 2, turn. Work in
pattern for 4 more rows. Ch 17, turn; hdc in 3rd ch from hook and complete row in pattern. Continue to work in pattern until
sleeve measures 7 inches, ending at front edge. Work in pattern across next 29 sts. Ch 2, turn. Continue to work in pattern
across these sts until piece measures 8 inches from underarm. Break off.
Left Front
Attach yarn 2 1/4 inches from marker. Work in pattern for 4 more rows. Ch 17, hdc in 3rd chain from hook and
complete row in pattern. Work in pattern until sleeve measures 7 inches. Break off.
Turn work and attach yarn to 37th st from end of sleeve. Work in pattern across next 29 sts until piece measures
8 inches from underarm. Break off.
Sew up side and sleeve seams.
Attach yarn 1 inch from front.
Row 1: Sc closely around neck to within 1 inch of opposite side.
Row 2: 2 sc in back loop of first sc, sc in back loop of each sc across, 2 sc in last sc. Ch 2, turn.
Row 3: Hdc in front loop of first sc, hdc in back loop of same st (inc made) * hdc in front loop of next sc,
hdc in back loop of next sc. Repeat from * across to last sc, hdc in front and back loop of same sc. Ch 2, turn. Repeat 3rd
row until 7 rows are completed. Break off.
Attach yarn to wrong side of left front l inch from top, sc closely around corner to form lapel, sc around collar
and around other side of front to correspond. Break off.
Attach yarn to right side of bottom of right front and sc closely to end of lapel. Break off.
Attach yarn to end of lapel on right side of left front and working evenly along front, make 2 sc, (ch 4, skip
1/2 inch, make 5 sc) 4 times (4 buttonloops made), sc along remainder of front. Break off.
Sew on buttons to correspond with buttonloops.
Starting at top, ch 6. Join with sl st to form ring.
Rnd 1: 6 sc in ring.
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc around.
Rnd 3: 2 sc in first sc (1 sc increased), * sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc. Repeat from * around.
Now sc in each sc around, increasing 6 sc evenly on each rnd until piece measures 5 inches in diameter. Sl st
in next sc. Turn.
Now work as follows:
Rnd 1: *Hdc in front loop of next sc, hdc in back loop of next sc. Repeat from * around. Join with sl st. Turn.
Work in pattern until piece measures 4 1/4 inches deep. Break off.
Row 1: Fold Cap, place marker 2 1/4 inches from each end. Attach yarn to first maker and work across next 19
sts in pattern. Turn.
Row 2: Sl st over next 2 sts, work in pattern to within last 2 sts, Turn.
Repeat 2nd row until all sts are worked off. Break off. Work other earflap to correspond.
Attach yarn to center st at back of cap, sc evenly all around, making 3 sc at tip of each earlap. Join. Sc in
each sc around, making 3 sc in center sc of each earlap. Join and break off.
Make a small pompon and attach to top of cap.
Chin Strap
Make a chain 4 inches long.
Rnd 1: 3 sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch across. ch 6 for buttonhole and working along opposite side of
starting chain, make sc in each ch across. Join with sl st to first sc.
Rnd 2: Sc in each sc and in each ch around. Join and break off. Sew strap to cap and sew on button.
Starting at center, ch 20 to measure 3 l/4 inches
Rnd 1: 3 dc in 4th ch from hook, dc in next 2 ch, hdc in next ch, sc in next 2 ch, hdc in next ch, dc in next
3 ch, tr in next 6 ch, 9 tr in last ch. Working along opposite side of starting chain make tr in next 6 ch, dc in next 3 ch,
hdc in next ch, sc in next 2 ch, hdc in next ch, dc in next 2 ch, 4 dc in same place where first 3 dc were made. Join with
sl st to 3rd ch of starting chain.
Rnd 2-3: Sc in each st around, increasing as necessary around curved ends to keep work flat-to inc 1 sc, make
2 sc in 1 st.
Rnd 1: Sc in back loop of each sc around. Join.
Rnds 2-6: Sc in each sc around. Join. Break off at end of 6th rnd.
Row 1: Mark off center sc at front of upper and attach yarn to 5th sc preceding center sc, ch 2, hdc in back
loop of same sc, (hdc in front loop of next sc, hdc in back loop of next sc) 5 times (11 sts) Ch 2, turn. Work in pattern
until 8 pattern rows are completed. Break off. Sew 4 pattern rows to each side of upper.
Attach yarn to next free sc on upper and work in pattern around back. Ch 2, turn. Work in pattern until 4 pattern
rows in all are completed. Break off.
Cut piece of ribbon 24 inches long. Lace through first pattern row on cuff and across front. Tie into a bow. Make another
bootee the same as this.