All Purpose Cleaner
For a cleaner for the entire bathroom, mix equal parts
Dawn detergent with equal parts vinegar. It will clean showers, sinks and more. Many cleaning ladies recommend this too.
Bathroom Sinks
Just use baking soda instead of scouring powder.
If a little toothpaste is left in the bathroom sink, just scrub onto your cloth and it really shines up your faucets.
Alcohol works well too and leaves the faucets shiny clean.
If you have chrome faucets, you can crumple
up some aluminum foil and run water on it. Use this to remove stains. Be sure that the faucets are really chrome first. If
they are another finish, this would damage them.
Bathroom Tiles
Just scrub with baking soda and warm water. Dawn and vinegar work well on these too. It will take soap scum right
Clogged Drains
Pour 1/2 cup of baking soda down the clogged drain. Add 1/2 cup of white vinegar and stand back while adding. It will
make a chemical reaction and foam up quickly. Do not use in a kitchen sink with a garbage disposal.
I've tried this and the foam brings up the gunk that is clogged in the drain. Wearing safety glasses and using caution
when doing this is a good idea.
Wait about 15 minutes and clean-up any of the gunk that came out of the drain and then pour down one gallon of very hot
This should work for all but the nastiest clogs.
Liquid Handsoap
Use one bar of regular hand soap and grate. Add three cups of water. Cook on top of stove until the soap is completely
melted or put in the microwave for about 3 minutes. Cool the mixture. Pour into your old handsoap container with
a pump. Store what is left in a sealed jar to later refill the pump container. Makes 24 oz.
Rubbing alcohol will often remove the haze from mirrors. If you've gotten hairspray on the mirror, put some alcohol on
a paper towel and it should scrub right off.
Mirror Cleaner - Recipe #1
In a spray bottle (save the one from your last bottle of store bought or buy at a dollar store) mix 1 part vinegar with 4
parts of water.
Instead of paper towels use old newspaper to wipe the mirrors. They will be sparkling clean.
Remove Berry Stains on Hands
Just use a little white vinegar.
Remove Fishy Smells
Just use some lemon juice
Septic Tank
Put a packet of yeast down your stool every month instead of using RidX
Shower Stalls - Water Spots
1/2 c vinegar added to 2 tsp borax plus 1/2 of a gallon of water will clean the water spot right off.
Toilet Bowl Cleaner
I've always wondered about the impact to the enviroment of flushing down caustic toilet bowl cleaner. Here's an alternative.
Just put one cup of vinegar in your stool and let set for about a half an hour. Then use your toilet bowl brush.
Water Softener for the Bath
Just add a little bit of baking soda for softer water.