We had a mild winter with moderate
amounts of snow. Not only was the winter mild, but we had record high temperatures in March. The almanac predicted we would
have a cold winter with a lot of snow.
Can I say their weather predictions are accurate? Absolutely not.
Why would you
want a Farmers' Almanac then? It still has witty sayings and good back-to-the basics advice. The 2012 edition includes recipes
along with information on how to home can and freeze food and how to make household cleaners yourself. Articles include "What
is a Blue Moon", traditions, trivia quizzes, "Plant a Tea Garden" and many others. It does provide some good reading.
you believe in planting by the moon, charts are included. It explains astrology and what planets will be visible at which times.
Even if the predictions aren't always accurate
in the almanac, you should pick one up for the interesting reading. My answer is no, you can't trust the predictions in the
Farmer's Almanac.