Baking Soda Liquid Laundry Detergent
Be sure to read the information on the right hand side before beginning.
What you will need:
1 cooking pan
1 bar of soap + 4 cups water
3 - 5 gallon bucket
Measuring cup
1 cup baking soda
1/4 Borax
a couple of capfuls of store bought laundry soap (optional)
2 1/2 gallons of hot water
something to stir with - I use a broom handle
containers for approximately 3 gallons of soap
1. Shred the soap wih a paring knife. The finer the soap the sooner it will melt.
2. In a cooking pan pour in 4 cups of hot water, then add the soap and leave on the stove at a low heat until it
is completely melted. Check this and stir every once in awhile.
3. Once the soap is completely melted, put 2 1/2 gallons of hot water in the bucket and add the soap mixture. Stir completely.
4. Add the 1 cup of baking soda and 1/4 cup of borax to the bucket. Stir until the mixture is completely mixed.
5. Pour into the storage containers. Shake each container a few times.
6. Leave containers uncapped overnight. Cap them in the morning. If left uncapped they will dry out. Your soap
is now ready to use!
There are two really good reasons to make your own laundry soap. The first is it will save you money. The second is it
is more enviromentally friendly.
First think about how many plastic jugs get thrown in the trash and then all the printing and labeling that goes into
that jug. When making your own soap, you know just what goes into the product.
It is also safer for the water supply, especially if you have your own well.
I have been very happy with the results with this recipe. All of the ingredients are easy to obtain.
The type of soap you use is your choice, but you should not use heavily perfumed soaps
or deoderant soaps since they may leave a stain.
Using the store bought laundry soap too add is optional, but I have found it to make a smoother liquid. You shouldn't
expect this soap to have the same consistency as a laundry soap you purchase. It will have more of a gloppy appearance.
Also be sure to use fresh baking soda. I tried using a box that was beyond its "use by" date and the
soap didn't mix well.
If you don't have a water softener, you may need to use hot water when using the soap.
Adding a fabric softener or vinegar in the final rinse would also help this problem. Note: Never mix
vinegar and bleach as it can cause a toxic vapor.
It is always a good idea to use rubber gloves and a face mask when working with chemicals. People with very sensitive
skin could break out or a splash could get into your eyes, so be careful.
Disclaimer: I can not be held responsible for the results of using this product. It has worked well for me.