Benefits of Growing Your Own
I just purchased
3 blueberry bushes because not only do they produce luscious blueberries that taste good, but blueberries are also a healthy
food since they are rich in antioxidents, vitamin C, maganese, and are a good source of fiber.
When you grow your
own and eat them fresh off the vine, you’ll never taste anything as good. They are one of the foods that taste better
fresh and require little preparation before eating, but they can be frozen or made into jams, jellies, pie fillings and more.
Not only are the berries good for you, but the plants can be ornamental in even perennial flower beds. Some of the High
Bush blueberries make nice ornamental shrubs in the landscape.
Choosing the Right Plant
For proper pollination
it is recommended to purchase at least two different varieties of blueberries.
Most blueberry bushes don’t take up
a lot of space since half high bush blueberries usually grow just 1-3 ft high. High bush blueberries are much larger and can
be 5-7 feet high and 5-7 feet across. Patio container sizes are now available also, but these won’t produce many berries.
Different blueberries will produce during different months of the summer. July is considered blueberry month and many towns
even have blueberry festival every year in July. July is National Blueberry month. In southern states blueberries can be ripe
in the early spring.
You have your choice of a low bush, high bush plant or a half high bush. The low bush blueberries are
the smallest and will also produce the least amount of blueberries. The half high bush doesn’t take up as much space,
but also doesn’t produce as many blueberries. The high bush plant will produce about 5-10 pounds of blueberries whereas
the half -high will only produce about 3 pounds or even less. You will need to decide which you have the space to grow.
Another consideration is the area where you live. Be sure to check that the variety you buy is hardy in your area